Wednesday, November 10, 2010

nooooo i didn't!

oh yes i did!

did what you ask?

i took a poop worth blogging about.

So this morning, i lay in bed tooting.. more than 3 times, i actually lost count. i took my shower, looked at the time and realized i would not have time for my morning ritual. as i got to work, my stomach continued to churn, i step out to take care of business... and.....

dun, dun, DUN!

WARNING: if you have not eaten yet and don't want to lose your appetite, DO NOT continue to read! Consider yourself warned.

ok back to my story... so i'm playing games on my phone while im doing my thang, not realizing how much time has passed. I decided, okay i better flush before someone comes in here smelling my wonderful odors.. and you know, when you're in there basking in your own goods, you don't notice the smell as much as if you were to walk in.

side note: the bathroom at my work WREAKS!!! everytime you walk into that place its sooooo musty/musky (although that is another post on its own)

with that being said, i do feel for those who could at any moment walk in.

I quickly wipe and flush, flush again, and again...and again.......

.....still there!

it was a mound of brownie colored poo, semi soft almost a peanut butter consistency.. anyhow, it would not flush!! i would hold down the handle so the water would continuously flow, and little by little some would break away. but a significant amount was still left behind, the water pressure did not flow there..................what was i gonna do?

i finally decided to roll a bunch of toilet paper and reach into the bowl to help it down the drain...
i know, don't judge me.

i then re-toilet paper the seat, sit back down to finish.. but the urge to go is gone. I then proceed to wipe, i wiped about 7 times until the paper was white.

the end.
thanks for reading.. i just had to get that off my butt.