Tuesday, April 13, 2010

quick to update?

not so much..

I have seven months of poop to update about..but i'm oh so lazy..

how bout I make up for lost times with pictures? yea? ok.

oyster shooters with ponzu sauce and masago

Ramen noodles..this is absolutely the best insanely yummy ramen noodles..its like regular ramen noodles on steroids.

here's a local favorite..snow cone with mui powder and icecream

boy meets girl.. yada yada

BON CHON CHICKEN!! its the bombdotcom, this deserves to be written in CAPS.

chicken poop:

My very pregnant sister wants to ask her doctor if she can get maternity massages covered by insurance..she claims it is medically necessary. Good luck sista!

ok, honestly..its late, and i don't have anything interesting to say, so i'll save you from this thing i call my blog.

Good night world.
Peace with chicken grease.