Thursday, December 9, 2010


So I am slushed right now. totally loving life. just wish my lover lived in the same city. i also wished i had a job that paid me to stay home and watch tv, or paid me to chat online or surf...or! shopping online!! yeaaaa. what a fantasy huh. I also have been watching weeds lately. my lover and i watch it together online at the same time so it feels like we're watching it toghether. i actually miss him right now. its only 830 and im slushy. cant keep my eyes open. hush. good night!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

nooooo i didn't!

oh yes i did!

did what you ask?

i took a poop worth blogging about.

So this morning, i lay in bed tooting.. more than 3 times, i actually lost count. i took my shower, looked at the time and realized i would not have time for my morning ritual. as i got to work, my stomach continued to churn, i step out to take care of business... and.....

dun, dun, DUN!

WARNING: if you have not eaten yet and don't want to lose your appetite, DO NOT continue to read! Consider yourself warned.

ok back to my story... so i'm playing games on my phone while im doing my thang, not realizing how much time has passed. I decided, okay i better flush before someone comes in here smelling my wonderful odors.. and you know, when you're in there basking in your own goods, you don't notice the smell as much as if you were to walk in.

side note: the bathroom at my work WREAKS!!! everytime you walk into that place its sooooo musty/musky (although that is another post on its own)

with that being said, i do feel for those who could at any moment walk in.

I quickly wipe and flush, flush again, and again...and again.......

.....still there!

it was a mound of brownie colored poo, semi soft almost a peanut butter consistency.. anyhow, it would not flush!! i would hold down the handle so the water would continuously flow, and little by little some would break away. but a significant amount was still left behind, the water pressure did not flow there..................what was i gonna do?

i finally decided to roll a bunch of toilet paper and reach into the bowl to help it down the drain...
i know, don't judge me.

i then re-toilet paper the seat, sit back down to finish.. but the urge to go is gone. I then proceed to wipe, i wiped about 7 times until the paper was white.

the end.
thanks for reading.. i just had to get that off my butt.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

oh boy

another lazy blog, and filling it with a few pictures..

This was at one point my idea.. i wanted to do a photoshoot with bums and homeless people with fashionable pieces. Kudos to this artist, beat me to it!

this was awesome, its several pictures forming a circle..duh

purple poop

bonchon! round two, how could i go to new york again and not eat you?!

Lombardi's is supposedly the first pizza place in ny, pretty good

I didn't have time to take a before picture.. you kinda can't when noodles of goodness is placed in front of you, there's absolutely no time to be wasted!! you can always look at my previous post to see what it looks like. This was a round two place for us as well...

Also tried these ribs this time, was yummers!

i think this place was called crumbs, it was a "like it", not a "love it"

Poop. S.
I want to make a correction on my last post, when i said those pictures have no relation to eachother..that is incorrect.. They all were on my trip to Austin.. however they were not all at the same places.
not that you gave a poop, i just felt the need to correct myself! ok?!

Monday, October 18, 2010


I have a case of the mondays..

What always makes a work day better is searching for flight deals to my next destination. I vacay so i can spend less time working ahaha.

So in the past 6 months, traveling has definitely been consuming my time. You could say I am utterly addicted to it.

To fill this post.. here are some eye poop:
doodling before eating

Salt Lick BBQ

I am a messy eater.
Funny thing is none of the pictures are actually related. lol
Happy pooping!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

quick to update?

not so much..

I have seven months of poop to update about..but i'm oh so lazy..

how bout I make up for lost times with pictures? yea? ok.

oyster shooters with ponzu sauce and masago

Ramen noodles..this is absolutely the best insanely yummy ramen noodles..its like regular ramen noodles on steroids.

here's a local favorite..snow cone with mui powder and icecream

boy meets girl.. yada yada

BON CHON CHICKEN!! its the bombdotcom, this deserves to be written in CAPS.

chicken poop:

My very pregnant sister wants to ask her doctor if she can get maternity massages covered by insurance..she claims it is medically necessary. Good luck sista!

ok, honestly..its late, and i don't have anything interesting to say, so i'll save you from this thing i call my blog.

Good night world.
Peace with chicken grease.